Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or requests related to our services and others, please use the form below.
* If you need a quick response, please call our establishment near you. Global Network

Email Form

Please fill out the form completely and click the Confirm button.

Content of Inquiry
Inquiry ItemRequired
Content of InquiryRequired

For hospital reservations, please call our Alarm Center.

Countries and Cities of InterestRequired

* Please choose all that apply.

Customer Information
Example: Taro Tokyo
Company Name
Example: XXX Co., Ltd.
E-mail address


Please re-enter your e-mail address for confirmation.

Telephone NumberRequired
Example: 03-5817-2820
Privacy Policy

We use the personal information you provide in the inquiry form only to respond to your inquiry or to process your request. We will never use it for other purposes.
For details about how we handle your personal information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Agreement to the privacy policy